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Terminating a Child Support Order

Please note that the legal information presented on this page is written for those living in the state of Illinois.

What Does it Mean?

Terminating a child support order is the process through which a child support order is declared null and void. Once a child support order is terminated, no future child support payments are owed for the child(s) on the order.

Things You Should Know

Generally speaking, there are two valid reasons to terminate a child support order:

  • the child(s) on the order is over the age of 17 or has graduated high school (the order did not self-terminate); or
  • both you and the other parent are in agreement to terminate the order, provided that the two of you can prove that doing so is in the best interest of the child

A child support order CANNOT be terminated if the paying parent owes past-due child support, unless both parents also sign an agreed zero order for past-due child support.

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